Technical writing assignments require research, document creation, writing, editing, and formatting, as well as the ability to work collaboratively. Andrew has completed the following technical writing/editing projects:
- Drilling and Production Guidelines—Canada-Newfoundland and Labrador Offshore Petroleum Board
- Design Basis Memorandum—Alma Tier 2, Sable Offshore Energy Project, Exxon Mobil Canada
- Policies and Procedures Manual and Project Execution Plan—Deep Panuke, EnCana Resources
- Mpowered PC online manual for MT&T (now Aliant)
- PRO FIND 406 EPIRB (Emergency Position-Indicating Radio Beacon) manual for Seimac Limited
- Perfect Player Poker manual for Positronic Software Inc.
- Various Reviewers’ Guides and Technical Briefs for software developer FastLane Technologies, Inc.